8 Tips for Influencer Marketing

Despite what some experts may have said in the past, influencer marketing is here to stay (especially with the boom of TikTok influencers.) This means that if your brand isn’t playing in the influencer space, it’s time to start! Today, we’re diving into the top 8 influencer tips for creating successful partnerships. 

1. Target the Right Platforms

First things first, you’ll need to figure out what platform you want to target and why. Is your goal conversion, brand awareness, or something else? Are most of your customers on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or another social platform? These questions can help you figure out what platform the influencer should be posting on and what the overall messaging of the content should be. 

2. Do Your Research

Once you find an influencer you like, do a bit of research before reaching out to them. This means looking on their pages to see if they’ve worked with any direct competitors lately, Googling them to ensure they weren’t in any recent social media controversies, and so on. This will ensure that their values align with your brand and that you won’t end up in any hot water just from being associated with them. 

3. Don’t Overlook the Small Guys

Micro and nano-influencers are just as (if not more) important than macro or mega influencers. This is because audiences tend to trust creators who seem more personable and have fewer brand deals. While nano-influencers may not bring hundreds of new customers to your brand right away, they will be able to provide loyal prospects willing to try your product. 

4. Provide a Brief (But Allow Creativity)

It’s important to provide a creator with some sort of creative brief to share your guidelines and goals for the content. That being said, you should allow them to have a say in the content they’re producing. People follow them for their specific content style so when a branded video comes off too scripted, it can be inauthentic to their audience. Let their personality shine through within your partnered content for the best results!  

5. Engage with the Community

Once the creator posts the content about your brand, make sure you’re monitoring their comment section to answer any questions prospective customers may have about your brand. This will prove to new customers that you’re engaged and are easy to reach if they ever have issues with their purchases.

6. Track Metrics

After giving the content time to grow, you should always be checking the metrics to see how it’s performing. On some apps, creators can give you access to insights for posts or they could just send you screenshots. You should look for views, engagement rate, and link clicks.

7. Boost Top Performers

If a piece of content is doing well, consider putting some paid spending behind it. Boosting a creator’s video can help spread brand awareness and even convert some sales! Just make sure to consult the creator before putting money behind a video as that’s usually an added cost for them.  

8. Re-engage Past Influencers

Some people shy away from influencer marketing because it doesn’t feel authentic. To ensure that your creator partnerships come off in the most authentic way possible, work with influencers over and over again. If a creator is easy to work with and provides valuable content, you should be re-engaging them multiple times. This will turn the creator into a brand ambassador to show their audience that they actually truly enjoy your product!

Ready to jump into influencer marketing in 2023? Reach out to Inked today so we can help you get started on the right foot this year!