Should Facebook Still be Part of Your Marketing Strategy?

For billions of people, Facebook has been a primary social media platform to interact with friends and family, learn new things, and find solutions to problems. However, in the past 5 years or so, Facebook has decreased in popularity in favor of other platforms such as Instagram and TikTok–particularly with younger audiences. In fact, research done in 2022 shows that the percentage of teenagers that use Facebook has dropped by almost 50% since 2015.

But what does this mean? Should your social media strategy still include Facebook and if so, what should it be used for? Let’s get into it!

Should Your Brand Be On Facebook?

The short answer is, yes! You should still be using Facebook on a regular basis to tap into your current and prospective customers. Although Facebook may be dying off for younger Millennials and Gen-Zers, it is still very much active for Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers, and older Millennials. Without your brand having a Facebook account, you may be missing out on a whole audience segment that you wouldn’t see as much of on other platforms such as TikTok.

What Can Facebook Be Used For?

That said, your Facebook strategy should look different than Instagram or TikTok. Here’s how you can use the platform to form a deeper connection with your brand fans:

1. Provide Customer Support

Facebook is one of the easiest platforms to provide customer service on and in fact, many brands will have their customer support team manning the inbox day-to-day. Facebook has a great messaging system in place which makes it not only easier for customers to reach out with issues, but for employees to respond to compared to email or phone. Customer support can be provided quicker and simpler on Facebook which leaves your customers happy and ready to purchase again! 

2. Build Relationships with Community Management

Outside of customer service, the platform is also another great way to build relationships with your community. It’s a great place to interact with your customers and centralize communications. When creating a Facebook playbook, make sure you’re including content such as new product launches, updates on business hours, promotions, and more. This constant flow of communication will keep people interested in your page and what you’re posting about! 

3. Run Paid Ads

Paid social ads can be a scary place if you’re just starting, but Facebook is one of the best places to do it! If you don’t know where to start, reach out to us at Inked and we can help you map out a paid social strategy. 

4. Create a Facebook Group

Did you know that the ‘Official Peloton Facebook Group’ has almost 500k members?! This was a Facebook group set up by the company to allow users of Peloton to interact with each other and talk about the company. Facebook groups are a great way to strengthen the love around your brand and to get people talking about you. 

5. Specialize Content 

Keep in mind that the Facebook audience is interested in seeing photo and video content, but it’s going to look different than your other platforms. On Facebook, you’re posting to an older demographic so just make sure to keep that in mind when you’re planning out your posting calendar for each month!